Loop Features in Development

Loop Features in Development The Loop Features in Development provided by the Customization Select Script are: Profiles Save & Load Save and load named Profiles, which contain a subset of your Therapy Settings The name of the current profile is uploaded to...

Version Updates

Version Updates Loop Updates Customization Script Updates iOS/Apple Updates Mac-Xcode Build Updates Loop Updates Loop 3.4.x was released on 13-July-2024.  Please wait 1-2 weeks to update if you can.  If you need help, please ask on Facebook. Loop Recent Release...

Build Select Script

Build Select Script Overview This page provides documentation for the Build Select Script. This script is continually updated with new features that automates more steps to simplify the process. The options provided by the Build Select Script are: Build Loop Build...

Code Customizations

Customization Select Page – Table of Contents Overview What is a Script? Customization Customization List Loop Customization Select Script Script Details Special Case: Customize a Specific Download Browser Build Prepared Customizations Customization Template...

PC User

I want to Loop, but I use a PC You have 2 Options Your best option is to use the Build with Browser method.  There is a second option that involves building a Virtual Mac.  The only reason that a Looper (or potential Looper) should build a Virtual Mac rather than...
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